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Brief history and activities
The new Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental was founded in 2012 as the new teaching and research structure, as expected by the Law 240/2010 (Gelmini Law), combining the facilities and activities of the former Faculty of Agriculture and related Departments. This is the final step of evolution that has characterized the history of study and research in agricultural sector carried out by the University Politecnica delle Marche, former University of Ancona. The history of this new department starts from the foundation of the Faculty of Agriculture in 1986 That until July 2012 has managed all the academic activities related to this area. During this period the research activities were carried out by the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology (DI.BI.AG.A.), founded 1992. Such a Structure, whose research work was aimed to the study of issues related to the fields of agronomy, biology, environment, technology, food and agricultural economy, was turned off in 2003 in order to create new more homogeneous Structures on the basis of the different research themes. In response to this need, the Departments of Food Sciences (DI.SA), Applied Sciences to Complex Systems (S.A.S.C), and Environmental Sciences and Crop Production (SAPROV), were established.
In the year 2008 the Departments of Food Sciences (DI.S.A.), and Applied Sciences to Complex Systems (S.A.S.C.), were merged into a single Structure named Department of Food, Agro-Engineering, Physical, Economical, and Landscape Sciences (SAIFET).
The Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences was founded in July 2011 in order to comply to the reorganization of the Departmental Structures of the Università Politecnica delle Marche and finds its final form in 2012 when it is intended also to the powers of the Faculty of Agriculture.
The Department consists of 53 units of teaching staff and 21 units of technical and administrative staff which come from different structures of the University.
The Botanical Gardens "Selva di Gallignano" of the Polytechnic University of Marche, the Interdepartmental Centre for Landscape Research (CIRP), the Committee for University Sport (CUS) and the Didactic and Experimental Farm ‘Pasquale Rosati belong to the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences in its present configuration.
The Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences carries out scientific researches, university teaching and contract works in different research areas reported as follows: agronomy, agricultural engineering and landscape, biochemistry, plant biology and forestry, chemical sciences, tree crops, agricultural genetics, food, industrial, and environmental microbiology, agricultural economic systems, physical sciences, food science and technology, soil sciences, animal production and plant protection.
The various pages of the website offer a continuous updating of the various teaching, research and dissemination activities in the agriculture, food and environment. Sectors, carried out by the D3A staff.
The Director Prof. Nunzio Isidoro